From Bshara and Randa in Be'ine, Israel

Written by: Bshara Khazen Posted on: June 16, 2011 Tagged: Bshara Khazen Beine Be'ine Arab christians CHLF Christian HolyLand Foundation Arab Christian Church Christian Christianity Galilee Israel Holy Land Blog: Stories from the Galilee


(From their monthly report):

Randa and some of the young ladies she ministers to in northern Israel. What gave us greatest joy this month is the youth meeting that has become a gathering of young ladies aging 12-16. In the last meeting we rejoiced in what the Lord is doing in their lives. Randa wrote questions on slips of paper and each girl was to draw one and answer the question on it; we were surprised at their answers.

One of the questions was “what does Jesus mean to you?”

The answer was that He has 'become the first in my life who walks beside me and whom I cannot begin my day without talking with Him'. We noticed how serious and convinced she was when answering the question with eyes filled with tears.

Another girl began her answer saying that she has grown to love the Lord Jesus more than before.

Another one said, (to Randa)

“you mentioned to us once that when you were little, our age, you used to write letters to God and would tell him things. I started doing the same thing. I correspond with God, and not only pray, but I speak with Him through my writing”.

Another question was, 'How are you benefiting from the youth meeting?'

So one of the girls said that now she knows how to open the Bible and that she has become faster than her mother in finding any book in the Bible.

Another said,

“the lessons you taught us about adolescent love helped a lot to understand my feelings and to understand that this love is not the real love, and I am now able to understand what is permitted and what is not in relationships”.

We are very touched by the fruits we are seeing in them and most encouraging is that they have begun to comprehend the love of the Redeemer for them and are experiencing His kindness

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