Young and Daring

Written by: CHLF Team Posted on: August 30, 2017 Blog: Stories from the Galilee

What a busy Summer it had been! It really felt like a marathon of ministry opportunities all of which left an overall feeling of satisfaction. We were able to reach out to children, adults and families. Moreover, we saw our young people step up and display great leadership and love as they helped in the various ministry areas. Many of these young people are going back to school this week; or at least they were supposed to. Usually the school year starts on September 1st. This year due to the Muslim Eid (holiday), Al-Adha, which starts on August 31st, school will start on the 5th. Of course that does not affect Jewish schools, only the Arab schools. Some Christian holidays are observed in Arab schools as well although the Christian Arab population is a minority.

Our young people face many challenges in addition to being a minority. For example, they have to learn three times the languages the average American is required to learn in school. The educational pressure keeps growing as they most likely will need to acquire their higher education in their second language. With many challenges lying ahead, we have been working very hard to help them grow stronger in the Lord and for their faith in Him to be unshakable. Thus far we’ve seen such Spiritual growth and commitment in our young people for us to put our faith in them as our future leaders. For many of them it started at the annual Holidays Youth Conference, where one of the main goals is to prepare the future leaders of God’s people in the land.

As we approach this year’s Holidays Youth Conference we can tell God is preparing something different. It goes beyond the healing God wants to give to the young people. It is less about reassurance of faith and more about the the youth embarking on the unique life journey that is being a witness. We count the days until the conference comes and we invite you to be a part of this by praying for us for wisdom, health and special guidance. Also pray for the youth as being a witness is one of the hardest things one can be. And pray for all the finances needed for the conference to come in. It is exciting to be working in the Kingdom of God together!

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